With 28 years of industry experience, working closely with the architecture and design community and manufacturers, Jon is passionate about understanding the role we all play in Net Positive Impact, where we don’t just take less from the environment, but restore, regenerate, and replace what has been damaged or destroyed. A passionate founding member of Next Wave Plastics, Jon has worked tirelessly to bring climate awareness to our industry. An Impact Icon 2022 award winner, his thought leadership has not gone unnoticed as designers and manufacturers alike are working to understand their role in climate change. Jon is also the co-founder and co-creator of the Break Some Dishes podcast, where he and his partner, Verda Alexander, look for stories and personas in the sustainability world and bring them back to our industry for inspiration and greater understanding. Together they have released over 50 episodes since 2019. Jon is also the Director of Outreach for mindful MATERIALS and an independent climate consultant.